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10/11/20232 min read

Hospital services in the pandemics: lessons from covid-19


The coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) outbreak raises an important question of scarce resources that can cause distress and may affect public health severely. This pandemic also involves all the other sectors of life, nationally and across the globe. This is also a grim reminder of the difference between those who can afford healthcare and those cannot and may be forced into poverty as a result (due to catastrophic expenditure). The challenge being providing services to enormous number of people at a particular time with low compromise on quality supply so, there was a felt need to reshape the healthcare practices internally and globally and emphasized to adapt hospital services for future crises.

Background of the emergence of covid-19

COVID-19 is believed to have originated in a seafood market in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. It was initially linked to zoonotic transmission from animals to humans, with bats and other wildlife suspected as intermediate hosts. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, recognizing the widespread and sustained transmission of the virus across borders. The rapid surge in cases strained healthcare systems in several countries, leading to shortages of medical supplies, intensive care unit beds, and healthcare workers. India reported its first COVID-19 cases in late January 2020, mainly among travelers returning from affected countries. The government initiated contact tracing and isolation measures. COVID-19's impact on India has been significant, influencing healthcare policies, vaccination efforts, and the way society responds to public health emergencies. India continues to navigate the evolving situation with lessons learned from the pandemic.

Preparedness of hospital for pandemic:

A COVID-19 pandemic preparedness plan was an important framework that included numerous vital elements to successfully resist the virus. In order to quickly identify epidemics, surveillance and early detection strategies that involve ongoing observation, rapid testing, and data analysis were essential. In order to manage a potential patient surge, hospitals and medical facilities must had to be prepared with a sufficient supply of personal protective equipment, ventilators, and competent employees. Informing the public on preventive measures, symptoms, and where to get care requires clear and consistent public health messaging. To break the chain of transmission, it was crucial to do widespread testing, contact tracing, and case isolation. The plan also involves community involvement, international cooperation, vaccine distribution tactics, and research and development initiatives.

Specific lesson learnt in brief:

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught hospitals a number of important lessons, one of which is the value of adaptability and flexibility in healthcare systems. The pandemic showed that hospitals need to be able to quickly modify their procedures, infrastructure, and operations in response to fast shifting public health emergencies. Hospitals must proactively prepare for and put into place steps to increase their capacity during emergencies, including setting up temporary facilities and adding more intensive care unit (ICU) beds, to ensure they are able to distribute resources efficiently. Furthermore, the broad deployment of telemedicine and virtual care during COVID-19 highlighted the requirement of integrating these technologies into normal hospital services to provide remote treatment options, eliminate in-person contact, and guarantee seamless healthcare delivery during crises.


When there is a pandemic, hospital services need to be comprehensive and flexible. In order to eliminate in-person interaction, hospitals must be ready to rapidly increase their capacity, manage resources effectively, and incorporate telemedicine and virtual care. The epidemic has highlighted how crucial it is to keep up a reliable supply chain for necessary PPE and medical equipment as well as strong data and information management systems. In addition, hospitals must encourage interdisciplinary cooperation among medical personnel, maintain current emergency preparedness plans, and actively engage the community through outreach and preventive efforts. The overriding lesson is that hospitals must traverse the difficulties of delivering care while preserving the health and wellbeing of patients, healthcare professionals, and the larger society. Flexibility and adaptation are crucial in reacting to public health crises.